Monday, August 9, 2010

Traversing Binary Tree

Traversing a Binary Tree means processing / visiting all the nodes of a Binary Tree once in a systematic manner. Starting from the root of a binary tree, there are three main methods that can be performed to perform tree traversal. These methods are
  • Inorder Traversal
  • Preorder Traversal
  • Postorder Traversal


Inorder Traversal 
To traverse a non-empty binary tree in inorder, the following operations are performed recursively
   1. Traverse the left subtree.
   2. Visit the root.
   3. Traverse the right subtree.

For a given binary tree let the address of root node is given by the pointer R. Let LPTR stores address if left child and RPTR stores address of right child. This algorithm recursively traverse the binary tree in  inorder

Step 1: Check for empty Tree
             IF R=NULL THEN
                  PRINT ("EMPTY TREE")

Step 2: Traverse Left subtree in inorder
            IF LPTR(R) < > NULL THEN
                  CALL INORDER(LPTR(R))

Step 3: Process the Root
            PRINT (INFO(R))

Step 4: Traverse Right subtree in inorder
             IF RPTR(R) < > NULL THEN
                  CALL INORDER(RPTR(R))

Step 5: Exit

Preorder Traversal
To traverse a non-empty binary tree in preorder, the following operations are performed recursively 
   1. Visit the root.
   2. Traverse the left subtree.
   3. Traverse the right subtree.

For a given binary tree let the address of root node is given by the pointer R. Let LPTR stores address if left child and RPTR stores address of right child. This algorithm recursively traverse the binary tree in  pre order

Step 1: Check for empty Tree
             IF R< > NULL THEN
                  PRINT INFO(R)
                  PRINT ("EMPTY TREE")

Step 2: Traverse Left subtree in preorder

            IF LPTR(R) < > NULL THEN
                  CALL PREORDER(LPTR(R))

Step 3: Traverse Right subtree in preorder
             IF RPTR(R) < > NULL THEN
                  CALL PREORDER(RPTR(R))

Step 4: Exit

Postorder Traversal
To traverse a non-empty binary tree in postorder, the following operations are performed recursively 
   1. Traverse the left subtree.
   2. Traverse the right subtree.
   3. Visit the root.

For a given binary tree let the address of root node is given by the pointer R. Let LPTR stores address if left child and RPTR stores address of right child. This algorithm recursively traverse the binary tree in  postorder

Step 1: Check for empty Tree
             IF R=NULL THEN
                  PRINT ("EMPTY TREE")

Step 2: Traverse Left subtree in postorder

            IF LPTR(R) < > NULL THEN
                  CALL POSTORDER(LPTR(R))

Step 3: Traverse Right subtree in postorder
             IF RPTR(R) < > NULL THEN
                  CALL POSTORDER(RPTR(R))

Step 4: Process the Root
            PRINT (INFO(R))

Step 5: Exit

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